Why can’t life be boring for once?


So again, I fell behind and haven’t written a blog in MONTHS!  I am not a blogger that can write every day, I just don’t know if I have enough to say to be able to write that often.  However, there must be something interesting that has happened since June that was worth while.

But I have been inspired by a friend who has just started her first blog , so I better get writing……

Let’s see, what big things have happened recently?  Matthew turned 17 in September and got his official driver’s license, Christopher is officially a teenager as of October, Ron and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary in October, Ron’s mom sadly passed away, Ron had his gallbladder removed, I had a miscarriage, we moved again, we’ve traveled to Kentucky with friends, we went on a Bahamian cruise, etc etc….  yep, we’ve been busy.  Some good and some not so good, but in general, it’s been BUSY!

It’s been one of those years that has just been full of non-stop craziness.  Ron and I were talking the other night about how insane it has been lately.  All we ask is for a little normalcy.  We want to be bored sitting at home with nothing to do or worry about.  Where we don’t have to truck the kids around to all their activities or have to worry about our health for once.  So how do you get this and is it even possible?

I guess to start we have to set our goals and priorities for what we want to achieve this new year and based on those, that will help get us started on our path.

If you look at some of the issues we faced in 2010, much was centered around health issues.  Not just health issues for us, but for other friends and family as well.  Therefore, I am making it a goal to become more healthy.  Yes, it is a goal almost everyone sets, and then by the 2nd week of January, they have already failed and forgotten it.  It could very well happen with me, but I am going to try my hardest to stay with it.  If I want to make this year a better year, I have to be serious about it.  So, off to the gym we go and less sugary snacks for me.

Another goal is to get more serious about a hobby.  I have been saying this for 2 years and still haven’t made it a priority.  I have a fabulous digital SLR camera and I can barely figure out the settings.  Enough it enough.  Having a hobby can have many advantages.  It’s can be an emotional outlet, a way to grow, a way to relax.  All those can lead to more happiness and a balanced life.

So, if I can get my life centered, with focusing on taking care of me and getting ME focused, then you would think that everything around me can begin to become less crazy or at least it will be easier to deal with.

You would think, right?  It’s worth a shot.  I am ready for a more boring life!  Who would have thought?